ISSN ONLINE 2067-3094
Founded: 1958
Frequency: annual
Language: English
Paper size format: B5 (176 mm x 250 mm)
Abbreviated title: Contrib. Bot.
Indexed in:

BIOSIS Previews (Web of Science)
Biological Abstracts (Web of Science)
SCOPUS (SJR = 0.147; SNIP = 0.235)
Index Copernicus (ICV = 113.86)
Google Scholar (H-index = 4)
Scientific Journal IF = 6.14

Goal and Objectives

Contributii Botanice is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing scientifically sound papers in the fields of Plant Systematics, Phytosociology, Plant Physiology and Morphology, Plant Autecology, Plant Population Ecology, Plant Community Ecology, Phytogeography, Phytopathology, Mycology, Microbiology, Paleobotany, Plant Conservation and Cell/Molecular Plant Biology.

Papers of mostly taxonomic nature or focussed on floristics and phytosociology will only be considered if they exceed the pure descriptive approach and have relevance interpreting patterns in the above mentioned plant sciences.